Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Polar Express
Well I can't tell you all enough just how wonderful the Polar Express was. I don't know if it was because our family was together after being apart for so long this month or the amazing atmosphere but it was wonderful. Everyone enjoyed it so much. The boys were the perfect age. I love watching Hayden and how animated he is. He is honestly the most excited child ever. He was priceless. Owen is doing so wonderfully. He is not so shy anymore. He even got up on the train and led us in "Frosty the Snowman." He didn't really sing but he said his name for everyone to hear, and to understand. He loves hot chocolate so when they served it on the train he was in heaven. Camden was great for the most part. He is two and he got a little over excited and rowdy. Liz is turning into a teen, but I think she still is a child at heart enough to have totally loved the train and seeing Santa. Please watch the slide show and see how cute the kids were.
Honestly, this was a great trip. It was so wonderful to be able to go spend the time with the Barlow Family and share this experience with all of them. Thank you Sarah and Tyler.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
an addition to my week -
I have completely lost my phone. I had it yesterday and the battery went dead because I am on it so much. I brought it into the house and I can not find it now. I have looked all through the house with no luck.
Hayden broke his spacer playing at the park yesterday. He has only had since September. Owen has had his for two years. What the heck? How can that even happen? I guess next week will be a great one too. I've got to deal with Verizon (who is always good to me) and the dentist office. At this time I am totally irritated with.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Random Week
This has been a bit of a trying week. I am not really sure why. It has had it's ups and downs like every other week. I just can't decide if it is a grey cloud looming over my head or the reality of the mishaps of the week. Let me recap and then you can decide.
I saw the horrible pictures of myself before the Jonas Brothers concert and have vowed to cut my sugar intake. I am eating way too much sugar... I also started my pilates again and can't wait to start jogging again. Lane does not understand the joy and relaxation that comes from running. Well at least that used to come from running we'll see how that I am no longer a size 2 how it feels. But an instant change I made after viewing my photos is my bangs, and I have to say they have been a topic of many conversations.
Then came some good news. Which I don't know if I am supposed to share or not but oh well here it goes. Lane and I have been teaching the Sunbeams at Church. They are so cute and so sassy. We have Owen and three little girls. I love them all. They are too funny for words. We have really enjoyed the class. It has been a real challenge for me because they are only 4 and you can't have a full on lesson. Not to mention the lessons are only a page long so we have to supplement with ALOT of fun stuff. (we color alot.) Anyway, we will not be teaching Sunbeams next year. We have a new challenge... the class with the worst reputation will be ours next year. I am SO looking forward to it. They are older, they CAN listen and discuss with us. We have like 6 boys in the class and two little girls who are the cutest things alive. I know most of them pretty well and so I am really looking forward to teaching them. Lately the class has had teachers who have other obligations and can't make it to church. I know they are a hard class but we are hoping with a little bit of love and a whole lot of structure and discipline from the beginning we will be able to turn this class around. Lane and I have already started planning our new ideas for the class.
Then my house guests came for a visit. I feel really bad complaining about having my mother come and stay. One of my best friends mom lives out of the country and she only gets to see her like once a year. My mom is down like once a week. I am really lucky to have her, but sometimes its like having another child. Sunday night I was informed that when they (mom and KC) were pulling out of the driveway, they hit the neighbors car. She said they just nudged it, but they left a note on it. Well, this neighbor is also a friend and in my Ward so imagine my embarrassment to get the phone call asking if it was someone from my house that hit her father in laws truck. And it was not a little ding either, the drivers side door had a good dent in it.
Lizzie had her dance recital. It was the little one, we don't worry too much about it. She looked really cute in her reindeer pajama pants and hair ties. I was a little ticked off I forgot my camera so I can't show you how cute she looked. Camden was AWEFUL. My sister was too sick to watch him and for some reason I don't think to ask friends to help out. I don't know I'm stupid. He totally acted his age... If he weren't so dang cute, I might have a hard time loving him sometimes. She did great from what I could see. We had to sit on the side both because it was too crowded and we have Camden.
Another good thing was Speech Therapy on Wednesday morning. We now go to speech at 7 in the morning. Since we have dropped to one day a week, we go extremely early especially since Owen is SO not a morning person. But when he has speech he tries really hard to go to bed like he is supposed to so he can wake up in the morning and go. Usually when I get his recap it has the exercises we are supposed to work on and a list of words to practice. This week, I looked at it and it had the list of exercises to do and songs to sing. We have words to practice too, but we now have songs to practice. He is doing so amazing. At school he is working on the little things like proper sentences. We are no longer allowing him to talk Tarzan to us. He has to use "I" and full sentences. He also has to look at people when he talks to them or is being talked to. I never noticed that until recently. He plays coy with you when you talk to him. So again progress is really being made.
Finally which is probably the reason I am so glum is Lane is in California for another week. He has been there for almost a week now. You would think I would be over the missing him when he travels but I am so not. So he is missing out on the Holiday season with the kids. And I am sad for that. I miss his helping with the chaos at night too.
So that is our week so far. We are off to go see Christmas Lights for a little bit before bedtime. And this week we get to bake our goodies to go around. I love doing that. It is the only time I make Gingerbread cookies... I love Gingerbread cookies. Hope you all are enjoying the season.
Happy Holidays.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 7:29 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Posted by Amy Barlow at 9:09 PM 1 comments