Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hand me downs

Hand me Downs
I have been blessed with three wonderful, crazy, full of life boys. I have two of the cutest nephews that my boys think could walk on water. Jacob and Joshua are the coolest of the cool. Anything they do, Hayden and Owen want to do too. (I hope they continue to be the sweet wonderful boys they are.) So it is always a great thing when Aunt Carey has a bag of clothes for them. Usually they all fit Hayden and Owen is left out. That is the natural order… Jacob gives to Josh who gives to Hayden who hands down to Owen who if we are lucky passes it on to Camden. Well, the boys spent Friday at Aunt Carey’s so I could chaperone a field trip. (which will be a different story when I mellow out.) Excited does not describe Owen’s emotional state when he got two bags of hand me downs from Jacob and Josh. Hayden was at school, so Owen got dibs… In one of the bags was a black Boston Red Sox hat, a couple pairs of swim trunks, and some pjs. The other bag was filled with shoes. As we waited for Hayden and Lizzie to get out of school Owen took everything out of the bags and took ownership of the hat and a pair of soccer sandles. Mind you Owen where’s a size 11 and the sandles are a size 1. The hat fits perfect though. Well this was Friday at about 3 pm. It is now almost 9 on Saturday and the sandles and hat only came off long enough to put on his baseball team hat and baseball shoes. Yes he slept in them, he napped in them and he has them on now in bed. Friday when we got home from school, Owen put on a pair of the swim trunks too. So to go to our Ward picnic, Owen wore a white t, swim trunks that are two sizes too big, sandles that are two sizes too big, and a Bo Sox hat. And we had a great time. His little girlfriend still held his hand even though he looked like a clown… Just gotta love hand me downs.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

You just have to laugh...

Sometimes you just have to laugh. Becuase if you actually sit down to think about how crazy life is you might actually go crazy. Camden has decided to catch a cold. Those of you who know me, know I don't really do well with sick kids. I worry way too much. Since Owen was little and his bouts with asthma, I worry. So I have the breathing machine on my nightstand with the abuterol right next to ready to go at a moments notice... And Camden right next to me, or if he has it his way sleeping on me, so I can make sure he is breathing okay. Needless to say, I don't think I have slept solid since Tuesday. So Lane left late last night for a quick business trip to Florida. Owen, Camden and I went to the grocery store today. We had a really good time suprisingly. We had a relaxing outing. Liz and Hayden stayed home, they stayed in their PJ's most of the day. So on our way home today, I was talking to my mother on the phone, driving up the hill in a beautiful light rain. As I said before, it was very relaxing. Normally I probably would be stressing out over the cost of groceries, the fact I had to pull over to put Camden back in his seat and the fact that no matter how much I clean, I ALWAYS have toys everywhere in my house... But I wasn't. Owen was singing, my mother and I were laughing over something silly, and Camden was laughing at everything. When a bird decided to fly in front of the car. I thought is was going to make it passed but it didn't. I hit it. I HIT A BIRD. The bird never fell. It was stuck in the grill of the car... GROSS!!! So then it hit me, I was going to have to take a dead bird out of the grill of my car. That is totally not something I would ever have to do. Lane does that kind of stuff, I am lucky he does all that gross stuff... Well I got home, opened the garage and went to get he boys out of the car and the bird was not dead and it flew IN to my garage. All the way in to where the water heater is. I left the door open for a while in hopes it would fly itself away, but it hasn't. It is in my garage. Everytime I open the door from the house into the garage it flies. And I freak out. So it will wait. What else can I do but laugh? (and wait)

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Never thought I'd Do It

Okay, so I never thought I would do it. I really did not think I would ever be the blogging type. Then life happened. When I started planning our trip to UCLA with Owen, I realized this might be a great median for everyone to stay up to date on his progress. Then I thought, this might be the way to stay up to date with friends and family period. Life is so crazy now I need help to keep to touch with everyone. So here I am. My life isn't too exciting, but it is pretty fun !!! Love ya