Thursday, July 17, 2008

Not a Single Mother

My hat goes off to all of the women (and men) who are single parents. Lane has been gone for two weeks and I am SSOOO ready for him to be home. I have dealt with all of the ups and downs of the home front. The past two weeks have been an emotional roller coaster ride for our family and we have been apart to deal with it. I know I am the lucky one I get to hear the laughter and the kindness of the kids. Lane is alone in the hotel listening to the quiet and watching what he wants on the television. I know he would rather be home fighting the kids to go bed but at this time I would love to be the one at the Hilton relaxing watching Miss Congeniality on Lifetime. As you can see I have given up the fight for a few minutes of peace at the computer as Camden and Owen wrestle in my bedroom. I have tried everything short of tying them up to get them to stop. (I was told that was against the law, jk) Nights like this make me realize just how lucky I am to have the husband I do. He is not perfect, but I love him and miss him !!! Now back to the bedtime fight... Wish me luck.