Monday, January 5, 2009

The Wake Up Call

Since before Lane and I got married, one of my responsibilities is waking him up. The man does not know what sleep is and why it is so important to a person. I can remember Dodie going out of town and having to call him to wake him up for work. Most of the time I would end up calling Tyler who would then have to wake up and walk downstairs to wake Lane up so he would make it to work.
Fast forward over 13 years and I am still struggling with waking him up. We are blessed in the sense he no longer goes to work at 3am, but that just gives him the idea he can stay up til 3 am. Today I called thinking I he would be up, had breakfast and ready to head for the airport a little after 7, and he was just barely awake. It makes me laugh. I thought life would change this mans sleep patterns but it hasn't and he has passed it on to half the kids.
So the wake up calls will continue...