Sunday, January 18, 2009

What I have Learned this week.

For some who read this you know I have had an emotion couple of weeks. As with the normality, life is this Barlow house is a roller coaster ride. Just when things are calm, life happens and we begin a new "learning experience." I am happy to say, no I am not expecting another little one as some may be thinking at this time. But life will be changing one way or another for me in the next few weeks. That aside I am going to share what I have learned.
I have a sister when in time of need swoops in, takes charge and does what she can to remedy problems. I thank her with all my heart for helping me out with what seems now like a hiccup in Owen's education. It may seem like a small thing you did, but it was the way you handled it that I will always feel indebted to you for.
I have great friends who like me for me. I have the most amazing friends who I know will be there when I need them. Whether it be keeping Hayden and Owen for a couple hours on Wednesdays so I can take Lizzie to dance class or deciding I need a mental health night to spend with Lane and taking my children for "HOURS" so we can talk and not worry about time, Jaynee is always there. I would never have expected when Owen started school, I would be gaining a truly wonderful close friend. I learned if I need advice or just the simple reassurance that I am a good person, I have Joanne to put her arm around me and give me the little lift I need once and a while. She is also willing to give me the kick in the tail when I need that too.
I have learned (again) that I love my Ward. I love the sweet sisters in it who are there in times when I need that little bit of support and strength. The simple smiles and the spiritual support is ever so important. It may seem like a small gesture on your part but on my end it is grand and wonderful to me. I thank all of my new friends in my Ward (and the few I have known for a while now.) You make us feel like we are at home. And we all thank you for that. I know I can count on you too for help if I ever were to need it. That is such a relief and a comfort I cannot convey in words.
I have learned that being a family is the most important thing in my life. I have realized I am very lucky to have the children I do and a husband who is supportive and caring even when I am gripey and grouchy. I have a husband who loves me, and after 13 years still wants to spend time with me. I have a family who actually likes to spend time with each other and for the most part is happy. A family who loves one another. In the end, that is what is important to life.
I have realized that I am happy with the person I am. (size not included)


Carey Rogers said...

You are more than welcome!!! I know it will all work out wonderfully for O Man!