Saturday, November 29, 2008

Final Countdown

Well, it is two and a half hours until the JONAS BROTHERS CONCERT. I am so totally excited and so is Lizzie. I am sure it is going to be awesome, I will let you all know soon.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So Jealous

A little while ago, Lizzie earned enough money to buy her new phone. I finally ordered the dang thing for her and she got it today. WOW. I am so jealous. It is seriously one of the coolest gadgets I have seen. It is a TV/Video phone. It is the same phone that Ashely Tisdale had in the movie Picture This and from what Lizzie says it is the same phone as she has in real life. I mean really it is soo cool. The color quality is amazing, the sound is awesome. I am so jealous. I can't wait to upgrade. To bad I am too cheap to do it before my renewal for myself.

PS for those of you who have Lizzie's number has changed. So let me know if you need it.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Not many like him

This weekend our family is being joined by a good friend of mine's children. The older is one of Lizzie's good friends so she is 11 and her brother is 10. So that brings our kid count to 6. Also Friday night, just because, Lizzie asked us to let her best friend come and stay the night. So we figured what the hey, the more the merrier. So that was a total of 7. I was shocked to think that by 10:00 all 7 kids were asleep. And by 6 am all 7 kids were AWAKE. The day was chaotic, Taylor had a soccer tournament, Ryan had a football game, and the boys had their last baseball game of the season and their party we were in charge of. Throw in preparations for Thanksgiving and you had our Saturday. So, we were back down to 6 kids when my brother called and needed a babysitter for the twins tonight. So tonight we have 8 kids. And it is not even 10 and everyone in bed or at least lying down.
I do have to laugh, I went to the store to grab a couple things, by myself which was so nice. When I came back the boys were running around playing, the older girls were upstairs watching some silly movie and the twins were throwing a major fit because Lane had taken something away from them. Carlie stopped pretty quickly, she likes Lane so when he picked her up she stopped crying. Claire actually followed him up the stairs yelling. And there he was standing in the loft when I walked in with a big huge smile on his face. There are just not many men out there that would do any of this, the helping and staying nice just really showed me how rare he is.

PS - It is now 6:30 on Sunday morning, I have made breakfast for one and two boys are already playing football... How on earth will we make it to Church?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I Finished


Monday, November 17, 2008

Now to #4

Well, I am on to number 4.

I said I wouldn't do it, but I did

I spent this weekend reading the first two Twilight Books. Now I am on to 3-4. I am ready for spoilers. I really don't have time to read them so if someone would like to tell me how they end I'm good with that.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


About a month ago, Lane wanted to catch up with an old friend of his. His Best Friend. Our sister in law called and told him that he was on Facebook and to look him up. Well, Lane being the "hey go look him up for me" person, I joined Facebook. Its kind of funny, I am linked to all of my friends now, mostly ladies... Lane is friends with a handful of guys and mostly Ladies... But that is besides the point. The other day my friend sent me a link to this "mothers" group thing on Facebook. I joined, I thought what the heck. Well last night as I played on it I found a web page for Childhood Apraxia. Its kinda crazy I have been having a conversation with two ladies all day from back east with children with Apraxia. I actually have been talking to people who totally understand my frustration and concern. Isn't technology wonderful. Thanks Angie for sending that link.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Such a Change

My day today started so wonderful. I am still feeling grateful for what I have but I am really wondering what the heck some people are thinking. As you can read on my blog, the school board is thinking of rezoning HALF of Seven Hills to Liberty High School 6 miles from home and away from Conorado which is only 1.5 miles from home. We are a tight community as this was very apparent on Saturday when the community for the Seven Hills Parent Association. Our elementary school includes children from Anthem Highlands and Madera Canyon which is south of Anthem... I have been getting phone call after phone call from parents about us not including them in our fight to keep our kids at Coronado. I just got a phone call from a TOTAL stranger infurated that we left them out of an email sent out informing the PTA bank of the changes. You know honestly that was a total oversight on my part, but GIVE ME A BREAK !!! After listening to more of the people who have been at the meetings telling of what the board members have said, I am now at the point where Seven Hills will fight to keep the 200 students we have in high school going to a school that is within walking distance and Anthem and Madera can fight on their own to keep their 300+ students there. It is actually closer for the students who are already being bussed from Madera and Anthem Highlands to go down the Exectutive Airport Dr to Liberty than it is for them to go through Sun City, Anthem and then down Eastern and through part of Seven Hills. The school board is going to so what it is going to do whether it is logical to us or not. They have to raise the test scores at Liberty... Another thank you to the No Child Left Behind Act. (one thing I hope Pres Obama looks into after the economy) I guess the bottom line is **** happens and as a parent you do whatever you can to fight it from happening to your child. If that means dividing within a school to keep a community together that is what happens. Wolff could get pretty UGLY, really soon.


I am not sure if it is the month of November or if it is the happenings of the world but I have been feeling very blessed lately. I know I am one of the luckiest women because I am married to one of the most wonderful men on this planet. To the outside, he may not seem extraordinary but in our small world he is more than extraordinary.
Lane is one of the hardest working men I know. He has given 110 percent at any job he has had. His job now is no exception. At times I am annoyed with the fact his phone never stops or he works a little bit here and there on the weekends…But that is who he is. He is a man trying to provide for his family and make sure the mother of his children can be at home to take care of his beautiful family.
He is a man who sacrifices sleep when he is exhausted to mop the floor because 12 years ago when I was pregnant with Elizabeth I couldn’t do that task and he thinks I do enough now. He is the man who out of the blue will text Elizabeth something silly just so she knows he loves her and is thinking about her. He is the Father that still after two and a half years, sits down to rock Camden to sleep every night. He plays football with Hayden and somehow makes the time to coach a baseball team so we know Owen can play and have a good time.
Lane is the person who will stop and get me a soda on the way home from work because the boys are being a little crazy and he thinks I need a little pick me up. And the man who will surprise me with my favorite treat when we finally have everyone asleep and we can sit down and have a conversation with out interruption. He is the person after almost 13 years, I want to still sit and have a conversation with. He is the man who will go grocery shopping with me just so we can spend time together.
As we enter into this holiday season, I sit and think back to this time so many years ago. This is the time we fell in love and the time of so much happiness for us in many ways. I have never felt the need to express my love in such an open forum, but I think it is about time for everyone to know how wonderful Lane is and how thankful I am to have met him and to be blessed enough to spend forever with.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Track Break

This was our October, hope you enjoy it.

Isn't she beautiful.

I took this picture of Liz while we were at Grandma's. She is really beautiful.

Owen Update

WOW !! Owen has been working extremely had on his speech. His school speech therapist sent his books home for track break and we worked really hard on them. We also played a lot which some how really helps with his speech. He can say "I win, you lose" very well. There is really not much he can't say. Whether you understand it or not is the question. He still has some grunting and completely unintelligible words. And he has figured out one syllable words to use for many things. One day he wanted a Popsicle so when he was in the freezer, I asked what he was doing and he looked at me and said, "me ice pop." I thought he was brilliant that he had put the two words together to say what he wanted all on his own. It turns out his teacher who was also his babysitter while I was subbing his class calls them ice pops... But at least he can say it. Another funny thing is he can say Hayden very well. And Hayden can understand EVERYTHING he says. One day I couldn't understand what he was trying to tell me and after about 30 minutes of him repeating himself over and over and me asking all kinds of questions trying to figure it out he yells upstairs - "HAYDEN HELP ME!" so Hayden came and listened to what he said and said to me, "Owen's imaginary friend Bal is hungry." Okay, had no idea he had an imaginary friend nor that he was hungry. His can't say Camden well so he still calls him Baby. You can ask him who his teachers are and he says their names. Which the first couple times he said his aide's name made her cry. (she is amazing) Another funny thing is when he has done something wrong and is going to get in trouble, he says, "MOM Love You." It worked the first few times but not anymore. I do love to hear those words.

Tonight we were looking at pictures and he saw one where he has a major kool aid mustache and he said "look, me red mustache." It is amazing... He is really making a lot of progress. I know his talking is still a little Tarzanish but I love to hear him.

I know he is special. You can see in his eyes he is on this earth at this time for a reason. I am anxious and nervous to find out what the Owen's Divine plan is.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

School Zoning Commission Is CRAZY

This week I was informed half of Seven Hills is up for rezoning from Coronado High School to Liberty High School. This is just so outrageous. We live less than 2 miles away from Coronado and 6 miles away from Liberty. Getting to Liberty will also mean crossing St Rose Parkway. The school board is trying to remove a total of 250-300 students from Coronado...
Why not take the kids from the Stephanie and 215 area out and send them to Liberty or Green Valley or Silverado which they pass on the bus they ride already to get to Coronado... Doesn't that make a little more sense? I know budgets are being cut drastically, yet CCSD is going to add more transportation routes to bus the kids from Seven Hills to Liberty. I just don't get it...
Luckily we do have a great community who has already begun assembling to fight this...If anyone is interested in joining in the fight let me know.
Hopefully Lizzie will be discovered by some talent agent and we will be rich enough to have a private tutor. (sorry Carey, I know your boys are going to be zoned there, but no thank you, I don't want Liz there.)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm doing Better

Thank you all who have been concerned. I think I really was over the track break thing... We are back to school and I am back to running around like a crazy person. I have also fixed my blog so you can comment. Thank you Willow and Annilee for your overwhelming concern. I have a ton to post I hope I will have a chance to get caught up soon. Thanks again...