WOW !! Owen has been working extremely had on his speech. His school speech therapist sent his books home for track break and we worked really hard on them. We also played a lot which some how really helps with his speech. He can say "I win, you lose" very well. There is really not much he can't say. Whether you understand it or not is the question. He still has some grunting and completely unintelligible words. And he has figured out one syllable words to use for many things. One day he wanted a Popsicle so when he was in the freezer, I asked what he was doing and he looked at me and said, "me ice pop." I thought he was brilliant that he had put the two words together to say what he wanted all on his own. It turns out his teacher who was also his babysitter while I was subbing his class calls them ice pops... But at least he can say it. Another funny thing is he can say Hayden very well. And Hayden can understand EVERYTHING he says. One day I couldn't understand what he was trying to tell me and after about 30 minutes of him repeating himself over and over and me asking all kinds of questions trying to figure it out he yells upstairs - "HAYDEN HELP ME!" so Hayden came and listened to what he said and said to me, "Owen's imaginary friend Bal is hungry." Okay, had no idea he had an imaginary friend nor that he was hungry. His can't say Camden well so he still calls him Baby. You can ask him who his teachers are and he says their names. Which the first couple times he said his aide's name made her cry. (she is amazing) Another funny thing is when he has done something wrong and is going to get in trouble, he says, "MOM Love You." It worked the first few times but not anymore. I do love to hear those words.
Tonight we were looking at pictures and he saw one where he has a major kool aid mustache and he said "look, me red mustache." It is amazing... He is really making a lot of progress. I know his talking is still a little Tarzanish but I love to hear him.
I know he is special. You can see in his eyes he is on this earth at this time for a reason. I am anxious and nervous to find out what the Owen's Divine plan is.
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