Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Happy Birthday to Owen

Today my little guy turns 5. What a big year he has had. I am excited to say he has not been poked, prodded or tested since last May! Since working with his two speech therapists, he is making remarkable progress. He now talks all the time. He speaks in whole sentences now. Yes, he does speak Owenese or Yoda speak... His sentence structure isn't always right but you can usually get his drift.
Owen is still in the Early Childhood Class with Mrs. Pez (Perez) at Wolff. He has great friends in his class as well as some real cuties from church. He is still in love with Paige, but he loves to argue with another little girl from primary. Owen loves his new primary teacher Sister Truman and he is so lucky to have someone who loves him as much as she does.
Owen is very into his Star Wars. He plays it on Wii and with his action figures. About a month ago I found a great Star Wars shirt and got it for him and he now wears it all the time. Last week he wore it 3 days in a row, this week we are already on day two. He is so cute, he hangs it up every night so he can wear it again, so I sneak in and wash it and rehang it up. Today his school speech therapist mentioned to his teacher that he wore the outfit yesterday too, she nicely explained that it's his favorite.
He loves the Captain Underpants Series. We read them as a family and he absolutely loves to sit and listen and laugh at all the little boy potty humor. He is extremely smart. Kinda off he is so smart. He knows all his letters and sounds and is starting to put them together to read.
Owen loves to ride his bike and play baseball. He starts a new season of "coach pitch" in a week. Hopefully we will have the same great team as we have for a while. He loves "Troy" from High School Musical but if you ask him who he looks like he'll tell you Nick Jonas.
We have been so blessed to have him in our lives. He is so special. Our old primary chorister used to love to watch him because he sits and takes it all in. He is wise beyond his years and is an amazing little man. I can't wait to see what the future brings for him. Nothing will hold him back, he will accomplish anything he puts his mind to.


Heather said...

Happy Birthday Owie Oh! He's such a cute kid!