Thursday, March 26, 2009

Week Recap

Sunday - Big blowout at Aaron's Birthday Party.
Monday - The aftermath of the blowout at Aaron's party, Khloe cried all day long.
Tuesday - Still dealing with crap from Sunday, had a withdrawal from my account that was supposed to have been cancelled, got totally taken advantage of by someone, and Khloe cried all day. Forgot the extra glove for baseball practice, was late, had the equipment in the back of the burb and so Lane yelled at me. (Made an amazing dinner)
Wednesday - Lizzie's Bday. Got the house picked up. Thought the day was going well, facebooked about the day before to a friend thinking only she could see it and it posted to the public. Heather nicely figured out how to get it down. Khloe cried all morning, but cheered up after her nap. Got a little boy who doesn't want to leave mom's side to finally get ready for school, dropped him off thought to go get a pick me up at Saxby's, looked saw Camden was unbuckled, stopped buckled him in and the proceeded through a one way in the parking lot and got hit. Liz to dance, finished birthday cake. Don't think Liz liked her presents... Crashed depressed on the couch snuggling with husband.
TODAY- Got up made lunches for Lizzie, Lane and Hayden. Breakfast for Camden. Showered, came downstairs to see Camden had eaten Hayden's lunch... Made a second lunch for Hayden. Special Sunshine pancakes for Owen. Phone's out, Internet is on the blink... Got Jonas Brothers tickets... two days before the general public, and they kinda suck, but we got them... and it is only 11 am -
This week has got to get better.


annilee said...

WOW! You have had quite a week! I hope it only gets better, and that this weekend everything will go just as planned! Thinking of You! Hugs!