Sunday, August 17, 2008

All is Well

I just wanted to thank everyone who has checked in on the kids and me. So, thank you so much for your thoughts and phone calls and visits. I am so lucky and happy to have the friends that I have made.
Owen is feeling much better. He still has a cough that sounds like he is a 80 year old chain smoker. It took him a full week to feel better. He is still run down and wants to sleep alot. But overall he is back to his crazy fun self.
Hayden can finally eat again. It turned out his illness had nothing to do with his trip to the baseball game. He had a tooth infection. I called the doctor a couple of Thursdays ago and said he was starting to have problems with it but they dismissed me like I didn't know what I was talking about and scheduled an appointment a week later. So three days into the week, his jaw swelled, his tooth abscessed and his fever spiked. Huh, mom did know what she was talking about. I will be glad to return to the Gubler Family Dental practice, I really don't care for this dentist. Anyway, I started him on antibiotics that he had left from something (they were still good) last Tuesday afternoon when all was clear to me and he has reacted very well to it. He can again eat. His Church pants were super baggy today.
I will be happy to have his personality back to normal. He still needs to rest.
Camers is doing great !!! He spent time over at "rampa bUUUsses" Grandpa Bruce's house last night (He says it so cute)no accidents and no accidents in nursery today either. I just can't tell you how excited I am that I don't have to buy diapers. Even more, I don't have to change diapers anymore. He thinks he's pretty cool. It helps that the Nursery Leader and workers praised him too. My baby is growing up... YEAH !!
And finally... Lizzie is all set for Middle School. We went on Friday and picked up her schedule, found her locker and classes and all that fun stuff. Wow, Del Webb is a NICE school. She is excited she has a friend in her first period class and her best friend in her PE class. A sweet little girl in our Ward has the locker under Lizzie's. That's right Lizzie scored a top locker.
So as I said, all is well. Lane is working in Phoenix this week. I don't really understand that one, but oh well. He is staying at a hotel with a kitchenette so I made him a weeks worth of meals and froze them so he will eat well this week. Not to mention I will have to do minimal cooking this week. But that is where we are. Life starts getting crazy this week. I head into the school to start getting stuff together to sub. (and get my PTA stuff together too.) Again, thanks to everyone for the prayers and thoughts for the family. They are always appreciated.