Saturday, August 2, 2008

Old School Party Time

Hayden’s Safari

Hayden turned 6 on July 19th. Normally we have a huge blow out celebration, this year we went Old School. He is really into jungle animals, so we went on a Safari. We invited a few kids from Church and school to the Barlow Jungle. It was a blast !!! I have to admit I was really, really nervous. But all went well. We made safari hats, went on an obstacle course through the jungle to bring supplies to the lion cub, gave bananas to the monkeys, had a bug toss, and had jungle snacks. Lane and I have never done the decorating thing to this extent before, but I had a blast transforming the house to make my sweet little man happy.

This was base camp. Here you found the live worms, dried ants, snake eggs, croc teeth and beetle wings. To wash it all down there was some snail slime. It is amazing what naming foods something different does to it. The kids ate it up.

The kids putting bugs on their hats.

Owen on the obstacle course. They had such a good time with this. The girls rocked this one. My nephew Jacob won, but the girls all came in pretty close to his time.

The cake. It was supposed to be a crocodile. The legs didn’t work so it turned into a snake. (Not my best work, but the kids enjoyed it, Hayden loved it.)