Friday, August 8, 2008

Another BIG Event

So as the week has progressed, we have had one thing after the other. Lane and I had thought our craziness had ended. At about 2:30 this morning Owen woke up with what I thought was an asthma attack. I am still amazed that such a small sound from down the hall can wake me up as quickly as that. Normally I would just give him a breathing treatment and put him back to sleep without waking Lane, but not this time. I immediately woke Lane. He brought Owen downstairs and we gave him the breathing treatment. It did not work. We gave him another. Lane got dressed It barley worked. He was able to breathe but still not well. So off they went to the Emergency Room. It turns out, Owen has Croup. He was the 4Th child into Sienna last night with it. Before he left another one was brought in by ambulance with it. This was only our second trip to the ER with our children, the first was when Hayden was only a few weeks old, so we are not used to it. What a scare. I am so grateful that he is okay, that it was something they could treat and send him home. I don't think I usually one to take my children's health for granted. I guess I needed reminder of just how lucky we really are.