Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Polar Express
Well I can't tell you all enough just how wonderful the Polar Express was. I don't know if it was because our family was together after being apart for so long this month or the amazing atmosphere but it was wonderful. Everyone enjoyed it so much. The boys were the perfect age. I love watching Hayden and how animated he is. He is honestly the most excited child ever. He was priceless. Owen is doing so wonderfully. He is not so shy anymore. He even got up on the train and led us in "Frosty the Snowman." He didn't really sing but he said his name for everyone to hear, and to understand. He loves hot chocolate so when they served it on the train he was in heaven. Camden was great for the most part. He is two and he got a little over excited and rowdy. Liz is turning into a teen, but I think she still is a child at heart enough to have totally loved the train and seeing Santa. Please watch the slide show and see how cute the kids were.
Honestly, this was a great trip. It was so wonderful to be able to go spend the time with the Barlow Family and share this experience with all of them. Thank you Sarah and Tyler.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Saturday, December 13, 2008
an addition to my week -
I have completely lost my phone. I had it yesterday and the battery went dead because I am on it so much. I brought it into the house and I can not find it now. I have looked all through the house with no luck.
Hayden broke his spacer playing at the park yesterday. He has only had since September. Owen has had his for two years. What the heck? How can that even happen? I guess next week will be a great one too. I've got to deal with Verizon (who is always good to me) and the dentist office. At this time I am totally irritated with.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 8:38 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Random Week
This has been a bit of a trying week. I am not really sure why. It has had it's ups and downs like every other week. I just can't decide if it is a grey cloud looming over my head or the reality of the mishaps of the week. Let me recap and then you can decide.
I saw the horrible pictures of myself before the Jonas Brothers concert and have vowed to cut my sugar intake. I am eating way too much sugar... I also started my pilates again and can't wait to start jogging again. Lane does not understand the joy and relaxation that comes from running. Well at least that used to come from running we'll see how that I am no longer a size 2 how it feels. But an instant change I made after viewing my photos is my bangs, and I have to say they have been a topic of many conversations.
Then came some good news. Which I don't know if I am supposed to share or not but oh well here it goes. Lane and I have been teaching the Sunbeams at Church. They are so cute and so sassy. We have Owen and three little girls. I love them all. They are too funny for words. We have really enjoyed the class. It has been a real challenge for me because they are only 4 and you can't have a full on lesson. Not to mention the lessons are only a page long so we have to supplement with ALOT of fun stuff. (we color alot.) Anyway, we will not be teaching Sunbeams next year. We have a new challenge... the class with the worst reputation will be ours next year. I am SO looking forward to it. They are older, they CAN listen and discuss with us. We have like 6 boys in the class and two little girls who are the cutest things alive. I know most of them pretty well and so I am really looking forward to teaching them. Lately the class has had teachers who have other obligations and can't make it to church. I know they are a hard class but we are hoping with a little bit of love and a whole lot of structure and discipline from the beginning we will be able to turn this class around. Lane and I have already started planning our new ideas for the class.
Then my house guests came for a visit. I feel really bad complaining about having my mother come and stay. One of my best friends mom lives out of the country and she only gets to see her like once a year. My mom is down like once a week. I am really lucky to have her, but sometimes its like having another child. Sunday night I was informed that when they (mom and KC) were pulling out of the driveway, they hit the neighbors car. She said they just nudged it, but they left a note on it. Well, this neighbor is also a friend and in my Ward so imagine my embarrassment to get the phone call asking if it was someone from my house that hit her father in laws truck. And it was not a little ding either, the drivers side door had a good dent in it.
Lizzie had her dance recital. It was the little one, we don't worry too much about it. She looked really cute in her reindeer pajama pants and hair ties. I was a little ticked off I forgot my camera so I can't show you how cute she looked. Camden was AWEFUL. My sister was too sick to watch him and for some reason I don't think to ask friends to help out. I don't know I'm stupid. He totally acted his age... If he weren't so dang cute, I might have a hard time loving him sometimes. She did great from what I could see. We had to sit on the side both because it was too crowded and we have Camden.
Another good thing was Speech Therapy on Wednesday morning. We now go to speech at 7 in the morning. Since we have dropped to one day a week, we go extremely early especially since Owen is SO not a morning person. But when he has speech he tries really hard to go to bed like he is supposed to so he can wake up in the morning and go. Usually when I get his recap it has the exercises we are supposed to work on and a list of words to practice. This week, I looked at it and it had the list of exercises to do and songs to sing. We have words to practice too, but we now have songs to practice. He is doing so amazing. At school he is working on the little things like proper sentences. We are no longer allowing him to talk Tarzan to us. He has to use "I" and full sentences. He also has to look at people when he talks to them or is being talked to. I never noticed that until recently. He plays coy with you when you talk to him. So again progress is really being made.
Finally which is probably the reason I am so glum is Lane is in California for another week. He has been there for almost a week now. You would think I would be over the missing him when he travels but I am so not. So he is missing out on the Holiday season with the kids. And I am sad for that. I miss his helping with the chaos at night too.
So that is our week so far. We are off to go see Christmas Lights for a little bit before bedtime. And this week we get to bake our goodies to go around. I love doing that. It is the only time I make Gingerbread cookies... I love Gingerbread cookies. Hope you all are enjoying the season.
Happy Holidays.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 7:29 PM 3 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Posted by Amy Barlow at 9:09 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Final Countdown
Well, it is two and a half hours until the JONAS BROTHERS CONCERT. I am so totally excited and so is Lizzie. I am sure it is going to be awesome, I will let you all know soon.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 5:36 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
So Jealous
A little while ago, Lizzie earned enough money to buy her new phone. I finally ordered the dang thing for her and she got it today. WOW. I am so jealous. It is seriously one of the coolest gadgets I have seen. It is a TV/Video phone. It is the same phone that Ashely Tisdale had in the movie Picture This and from what Lizzie says it is the same phone as she has in real life. I mean really it is soo cool. The color quality is amazing, the sound is awesome. I am so jealous. I can't wait to upgrade. To bad I am too cheap to do it before my renewal for myself.
PS for those of you who have Lizzie's number has changed. So let me know if you need it.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 8:35 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Not many like him
This weekend our family is being joined by a good friend of mine's children. The older is one of Lizzie's good friends so she is 11 and her brother is 10. So that brings our kid count to 6. Also Friday night, just because, Lizzie asked us to let her best friend come and stay the night. So we figured what the hey, the more the merrier. So that was a total of 7. I was shocked to think that by 10:00 all 7 kids were asleep. And by 6 am all 7 kids were AWAKE. The day was chaotic, Taylor had a soccer tournament, Ryan had a football game, and the boys had their last baseball game of the season and their party we were in charge of. Throw in preparations for Thanksgiving and you had our Saturday. So, we were back down to 6 kids when my brother called and needed a babysitter for the twins tonight. So tonight we have 8 kids. And it is not even 10 and everyone in bed or at least lying down.
I do have to laugh, I went to the store to grab a couple things, by myself which was so nice. When I came back the boys were running around playing, the older girls were upstairs watching some silly movie and the twins were throwing a major fit because Lane had taken something away from them. Carlie stopped pretty quickly, she likes Lane so when he picked her up she stopped crying. Claire actually followed him up the stairs yelling. And there he was standing in the loft when I walked in with a big huge smile on his face. There are just not many men out there that would do any of this, the helping and staying nice just really showed me how rare he is.
PS - It is now 6:30 on Sunday morning, I have made breakfast for one and two boys are already playing football... How on earth will we make it to Church?
Posted by Amy Barlow at 9:43 PM 1 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I Finished
Posted by Amy Barlow at 7:02 AM 1 comments
Monday, November 17, 2008
I said I wouldn't do it, but I did
I spent this weekend reading the first two Twilight Books. Now I am on to 3-4. I am ready for spoilers. I really don't have time to read them so if someone would like to tell me how they end I'm good with that.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 8:06 AM 2 comments
Thursday, November 13, 2008
About a month ago, Lane wanted to catch up with an old friend of his. His Best Friend. Our sister in law called and told him that he was on Facebook and to look him up. Well, Lane being the "hey go look him up for me" person, I joined Facebook. Its kind of funny, I am linked to all of my friends now, mostly ladies... Lane is friends with a handful of guys and mostly Ladies... But that is besides the point. The other day my friend sent me a link to this "mothers" group thing on Facebook. I joined, I thought what the heck. Well last night as I played on it I found a web page for Childhood Apraxia. Its kinda crazy I have been having a conversation with two ladies all day from back east with children with Apraxia. I actually have been talking to people who totally understand my frustration and concern. Isn't technology wonderful. Thanks Angie for sending that link.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Such a Change
My day today started so wonderful. I am still feeling grateful for what I have but I am really wondering what the heck some people are thinking. As you can read on my blog, the school board is thinking of rezoning HALF of Seven Hills to Liberty High School 6 miles from home and away from Conorado which is only 1.5 miles from home. We are a tight community as this was very apparent on Saturday when the community for the Seven Hills Parent Association. Our elementary school includes children from Anthem Highlands and Madera Canyon which is south of Anthem... I have been getting phone call after phone call from parents about us not including them in our fight to keep our kids at Coronado. I just got a phone call from a TOTAL stranger infurated that we left them out of an email sent out informing the PTA bank of the changes. You know honestly that was a total oversight on my part, but GIVE ME A BREAK !!! After listening to more of the people who have been at the meetings telling of what the board members have said, I am now at the point where Seven Hills will fight to keep the 200 students we have in high school going to a school that is within walking distance and Anthem and Madera can fight on their own to keep their 300+ students there. It is actually closer for the students who are already being bussed from Madera and Anthem Highlands to go down the Exectutive Airport Dr to Liberty than it is for them to go through Sun City, Anthem and then down Eastern and through part of Seven Hills. The school board is going to so what it is going to do whether it is logical to us or not. They have to raise the test scores at Liberty... Another thank you to the No Child Left Behind Act. (one thing I hope Pres Obama looks into after the economy) I guess the bottom line is **** happens and as a parent you do whatever you can to fight it from happening to your child. If that means dividing within a school to keep a community together that is what happens. Wolff could get pretty UGLY, really soon.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 5:50 PM 1 comments
I am not sure if it is the month of November or if it is the happenings of the world but I have been feeling very blessed lately. I know I am one of the luckiest women because I am married to one of the most wonderful men on this planet. To the outside, he may not seem extraordinary but in our small world he is more than extraordinary.
Lane is one of the hardest working men I know. He has given 110 percent at any job he has had. His job now is no exception. At times I am annoyed with the fact his phone never stops or he works a little bit here and there on the weekends…But that is who he is. He is a man trying to provide for his family and make sure the mother of his children can be at home to take care of his beautiful family.
He is a man who sacrifices sleep when he is exhausted to mop the floor because 12 years ago when I was pregnant with Elizabeth I couldn’t do that task and he thinks I do enough now. He is the man who out of the blue will text Elizabeth something silly just so she knows he loves her and is thinking about her. He is the Father that still after two and a half years, sits down to rock Camden to sleep every night. He plays football with Hayden and somehow makes the time to coach a baseball team so we know Owen can play and have a good time.
Lane is the person who will stop and get me a soda on the way home from work because the boys are being a little crazy and he thinks I need a little pick me up. And the man who will surprise me with my favorite treat when we finally have everyone asleep and we can sit down and have a conversation with out interruption. He is the person after almost 13 years, I want to still sit and have a conversation with. He is the man who will go grocery shopping with me just so we can spend time together.
As we enter into this holiday season, I sit and think back to this time so many years ago. This is the time we fell in love and the time of so much happiness for us in many ways. I have never felt the need to express my love in such an open forum, but I think it is about time for everyone to know how wonderful Lane is and how thankful I am to have met him and to be blessed enough to spend forever with.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 10:55 AM 1 comments
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Owen Update
WOW !! Owen has been working extremely had on his speech. His school speech therapist sent his books home for track break and we worked really hard on them. We also played a lot which some how really helps with his speech. He can say "I win, you lose" very well. There is really not much he can't say. Whether you understand it or not is the question. He still has some grunting and completely unintelligible words. And he has figured out one syllable words to use for many things. One day he wanted a Popsicle so when he was in the freezer, I asked what he was doing and he looked at me and said, "me ice pop." I thought he was brilliant that he had put the two words together to say what he wanted all on his own. It turns out his teacher who was also his babysitter while I was subbing his class calls them ice pops... But at least he can say it. Another funny thing is he can say Hayden very well. And Hayden can understand EVERYTHING he says. One day I couldn't understand what he was trying to tell me and after about 30 minutes of him repeating himself over and over and me asking all kinds of questions trying to figure it out he yells upstairs - "HAYDEN HELP ME!" so Hayden came and listened to what he said and said to me, "Owen's imaginary friend Bal is hungry." Okay, had no idea he had an imaginary friend nor that he was hungry. His can't say Camden well so he still calls him Baby. You can ask him who his teachers are and he says their names. Which the first couple times he said his aide's name made her cry. (she is amazing) Another funny thing is when he has done something wrong and is going to get in trouble, he says, "MOM Love You." It worked the first few times but not anymore. I do love to hear those words.
Tonight we were looking at pictures and he saw one where he has a major kool aid mustache and he said "look, me red mustache." It is amazing... He is really making a lot of progress. I know his talking is still a little Tarzanish but I love to hear him.
I know he is special. You can see in his eyes he is on this earth at this time for a reason. I am anxious and nervous to find out what the Owen's Divine plan is.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 9:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
School Zoning Commission Is CRAZY
This week I was informed half of Seven Hills is up for rezoning from Coronado High School to Liberty High School. This is just so outrageous. We live less than 2 miles away from Coronado and 6 miles away from Liberty. Getting to Liberty will also mean crossing St Rose Parkway. The school board is trying to remove a total of 250-300 students from Coronado...
Why not take the kids from the Stephanie and 215 area out and send them to Liberty or Green Valley or Silverado which they pass on the bus they ride already to get to Coronado... Doesn't that make a little more sense? I know budgets are being cut drastically, yet CCSD is going to add more transportation routes to bus the kids from Seven Hills to Liberty. I just don't get it...
Luckily we do have a great community who has already begun assembling to fight this...If anyone is interested in joining in the fight let me know.
Hopefully Lizzie will be discovered by some talent agent and we will be rich enough to have a private tutor. (sorry Carey, I know your boys are going to be zoned there, but no thank you, I don't want Liz there.)
Posted by Amy Barlow at 5:23 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
I'm doing Better
Thank you all who have been concerned. I think I really was over the track break thing... We are back to school and I am back to running around like a crazy person. I have also fixed my blog so you can comment. Thank you Willow and Annilee for your overwhelming concern. I have a ton to post I hope I will have a chance to get caught up soon. Thanks again...
Posted by Amy Barlow at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Not Myself
Tonight I had a meeting for my Room Reps for PTA and I was talking to the Room Dad and he made the comment tonight that I am just not my go getter self lately. I am feeling that too I and I don't quite know how to get out of the funk I am in.
I have always been involved in 200 things at once, and right now, I am not, yet I don't feel like I can accomplish even one thing. It is not even the physical exhaustion that I am fighting. I am always tired, that is what happens when you become a mom... I am mentally scattered. I honestly don't know what to do... HELP... I am ready for any suggestions. Maybe once the boys are back in school I will feel more involved and more motivated... What do you think?
Posted by Amy Barlow at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Monday, October 27, 2008
Posted by Amy Barlow at 7:47 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 17, 2008
So tonight Lane and I got a phone call no parent really wants to get. We had run to the store really quick and left Lizzie at home with the boys. I don't feel well so I have been procrastinating getting ready for my candle party. We were on Horizon Ridge and Jefferys when Lizzie called panicked. Someone was banging on the door. Not a knock but banging on the door. She had locked herself and her brothers in the closest bathroom and called us. We were still a few minutes away so we are SO lucky to have good Friends to come to our rescue. Lizzie called the Roylance Family and within 20 seconds, Matt and Greg Herlean were at the door checking on the kids. We were close behind them because Lane drove 80 mph up the winding Seven Hills Drive...(that was scary too.) So Thank You much to the Roylance and Herlean Families for being so willing to help... Thanks for caring !!!
And Thanks to Janet, Taylor and Ryan for the life lesson for Lizzie. And for knowing our family so well to know you scared the patoostie out of us !! We love you.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Well, I was tagged. I thought I could fly under the radar with this whole blogging thing. But my sis in law Sarah tagged me. So here it is:
the rules:
*Link to the person who tagged you
*Post the rules on your blog
*Write six random things about yourself
*Tag six-ish people at the end of your post
*Let each person know he/she has been tagged
*Let the tagger know when your entry is up
#1 - I love to cook. I think most people know this about me. One day I hope to have a catering business. I have catered a few events but I have not sought out business. I am hoping to write a cook book in the near future. But we'll see how that goes. I love to cook for other people. I find it very rewarding to cook a good meal for my family or friends to enjoy.
#2 - I love to dance. I started dancing when I was 3 and danced until a knee injury side lined me. I still can be found dancing around the house.
#3 - I think I may be one of the happiest married women on the planet. I am married to a wonderful man who tries his hardest to be romantic (even if he's more cheesey than romantic). After 13 years, he is still my best friend in the world and I could never live without him. I look forward to the rest of eternity with him.
#4 - I love being a Mom. I never thought I would have kids and I am so happy I do. I feel super blessed everyday that I have the wonderful children I have. I love being at home with them in the day. I love being active in the school so I know what is happening there at the school. I love watching their sports and taking them places. I love cooking for them, I just wish Liz and Hayden would try more things to eat. I love having homemade cookies and treats ready for them after a long day at school. I love taking them to the park and watching them play or playing with them. I just love being a mom.
#5 - I am on the countdown to High School Musical 3. I cannot wait to see it. I have love the other two and watch them as much as the kids do. I think the music is great, the message is beautiful, and Zac Efron is hot. ( i know kinda gross since he's 10 years younger.) I am hoping my original HSM t shirt I bought at Justice when the movie first came out fits in 12 days when the movie comes out !!!
#6 - I LOVE THE JONAS BROTHERS !!! I have been listening to the Jonas Brothers for longer than Liz and I love them. Their song "Mandy" used to play at Justice when I managed it way back in '04 and I would sing and bop through the store. Their music is so simple and sweet. It is upbeat and always has a good meaning. They are cute and wholesome and I am happy to have my children like them. I think their parents should be commended on how they have raised such a family. I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL NOVEMBER 29th when Lizzie and I are going to see them LIVE !!!
So there you have it. That is 6 very random things about me. Now I tag Carey, Heather, Annilee, Willow and Melissa.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 3:17 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
What Happened to Parenting ?
As many of you know, I have spent the past 3 weeks working as the subsitute teacher for the Early Childhood Special Education program at our local elementary. This has given me the opportunity to really be inside the school setting. This with many trips to the park and other events recently have brought me to really ponder the question: What happened to parenting?
I will preface this rant by saying I do not feel I am a perfect parent. I am actively working to become a better parent daily. I strive to teach my children right from wrong, teach them a sense of self and the worth of each of their beautiful spirits, to teach them the value of an education, to teach them respect for self and others, and to be good Christlike people. I want to be the best parent I can to give my children the best advantage in life. Again, I am not perfect and I know this but, I am climbing onto my soap box to ask you to really think about how your parenting is affecting others your children are coming in contact with. I hope it is in a positive way because in this world we live in we need to spread love throughout our children.
When I was a teenager I never really thought I would have children. This may be a shock to many of you. I was going to be a career person and children did not fit in to that equation. If I did have a child, I wanted to be that "cool" mom who hung out with everyone and everyone wanted to hang out with. Wow - So far from what I think now. I think this is where the world of parenting has gone wrong.
We as parents have the responsiblity of teaching our children how to love. That does NOT mean give them everything they want at all times. We have to look out for our children's best interest. If that means to say no then say it. Deal with the tantrum, the anger, the frusteration. That is your job, you choose when you decided to have your child DEAL WITH IT! Let me give you a few examples of how we are ruining our children.
#1 - Last week I met my friend with her boys at the park. We played and played when a little girl who was maybe 5 came to the swings. She yelled to her mother to put her on the swings. My not so polite son came to me and said, "Mom look at that little girl, she is so fat." I was horrified, but it was true. I told him that was not a nice thing to say, just because she was not as skinny as he was. He and his friend just watched her swing. Owen and his buddy had just finished swinging in the baby swings when the little girl gets off the swing walks over to the baby swings and yells again at mom. "I want to swing in here" she said. Mom replied, "no you are too big that is a baby swing." We then got the full tantrum. "I WANT TO SWING IN THIS SWING NOW!!!" The feet were stomping the arms swinging as she repeated herself over and over. So instead of mom being a parent and explaining to her the idea she was too big for the baby swing she put her in. This story ends witht he fire department coming to the park to cut the little girl out of the swing. NO JOKE !!! A parent who was unwilling to deal with the consequence of what was best for her child. Instead of sticking to the no, she gave in and humiliated her child.
#2- In one of my classes I had a child who is in there for the main reason of the mother doesn't know what the heck she is doing. The child is disruptive, distructive and hard to deal with. In my few weeks in this class, I had the great opportunity to have the director of Early Childhood in my class, the superintedent of the southeast region in my class and several other administrators in my class... No pressure for a new substitute right... I have to say the director of EC was a huge help. But even she could not figure a way to deal with this child. All he needs is love she told me. But when you showed this child kindness and love, unless it was the entire two and a half hours of school one on one attention, his behavior got worse. My principal was in the class one day as we were cleaning up and he was throwing one of his little trantrums and she was appauled to think he was there because no one had been a parent to him. My school psychologist put it the best way. This program is the first step in showing him that he is of value. Without school and the teachers he would never know how he is supposed to behave in society. When did it become the teachers job to teach a child how to behave in society? Isn't that the parents job?
#3 - I had the opportunity to step into a regular ed class one afternoon for a little while. Within the first ten minutes of being in the class, I got a call from the office to let me know that one of the boys in the class is being withdrawn from school because mom and dad are playing a custody game and he is flip flopping between two schools. How about that for stability. Let's destroy our child's ability to know a stable life just because we can't stand one another. I understand divorce happens, I am a product of it, but try to give your children the stability they deserve. I have several friends who are divorced and they don't like their exes but they put their children first so the children know they are the most important things in their life. I was in this class on a Friday. The next Monday I was walking into the school when there this poor little boy was again and Mom was trying to enroll him again. So the little thing was back to being a ping pong ball in the fight between mom and dad.
I know that my parenting affects other kids. I have been called mean many times because I don't allow the kids to do things. I have been told to lighten up because I expect my boys to behave a certain way in public. But I know I am making a difference. Last week a little boy in my sons school class came up to me at Church and gave me a great big hug. I smiled and asked what that was for and he said to me: "It is nice to see you that is all." That is what being a parent is all about. I know that because Hayden is the kind hearted little boy he is, I have made a difference in another boys life too.
Being a parent is the most important job we have. It is one that at times is totally thankless... But the simplest hug, smile or I love you makes all the hardship of life melt away. Take the job seriously, it is the most important one you have.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 9:29 AM 1 comments
Thursday, September 18, 2008
I Love 7 Hills
Have I mentioned I love Seven Hills. I love where I live. Our school is great, even though we are way over capcity. The teachers are caring and fun, the administration is on the ball, it is a great place. I love all the parks. We can walk to 4 different parks. On trails so we don't have to worry about traffic. People are always out. My friend and I walk at night after we put the kids to bed and we aren't the only ones out there at 10 at night. The people we pass are friendly too. It is wonderful. I love driving down the streets and seeing people I know and getting to wave or getting waved at. I love the view. We can see stars. That just does not happen much in Vegas. The strip view is amazing and so are the sunsets. Especially if you are on the trail by the airport at sun down. I love my ward. I am so happy to be in a place where I can take my four heathens to Church on Sunday by myself if needed. I love the friends that I have made at the school and Church. Okay so some of you may live in Anthem Highlands or Madera Canyon. I am so lucky.
I love Seven Hills.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 8:39 PM 1 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Owen's Play Date
Today was an interesting day for our family. This morning Owen his friend come over to play. This is something that really doesn't happen much. I am still very guarded with him. He has a great friend from school named Noah. Noah and Owen have been in school together for a little over a year. Noah's mom is Tal, who is amazing. She is so beautiful and sweet. And it is a genuine kindness in her. She is from Israel and I find her stories of childhood fascinating. Noah and Owen are perfect for one another. They both understand what the other is saying. They play so well and they are so happy together. Noah has a brother Adam who is almost six, so it works out perfect. Hayden and Adam can play while Noah and Owen play, and moms can talk. This morning we did just that. We had a great conversation about everything happening in our lives while the boys ran around playing. Owen was so excited that his friend was able to come to his house to play. I honestly think this was the first "play date" Owen has had. It is so amazing to watch the two of them communicate. They just love to play, and they love one another. I know I need to lift Owen's shelter a little, but I am just not ready. I am glad he has a friend who can come into our little world and understand why it is so closed off.
Hayden's Play date
Hayden played with Adam this morning which he enjoyed a bunch, but this afternoon his good buddy from down the street came to play too. They first started at Thomas' house, and then came to our house. The boys ran and played for a while and then came down stairs to read books. The two sat on the couch and were fairly quiet. I was making dinner, Lizzie and Lane were in the family room with the boys and it happened. Hayden took his Book of Mormon off the bookshelf and handed it to Thomas. And he said... "Hey Thomas, have you ever heard of the Book of Mormon? It is really neat. It talks about Jesus and Heavenly Father. It has really cool pictures in it too. I would really like for you to learn more about Jesus." Oh my goodness... WOW ! That was a six year old talking. I can hear it over and over in my head. It was just so amazing to think that Hayden loves the Church so much that he is already trying to share it with his friends. He spoke like a true missionary. Just they phrases he used was so profound. Sometimes you just listen to him and wonder where he comes up with some of the things he says...
I have to admit I am pretty proud of him.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Just a Little Bike Ride
The boys love riding their bikes. We are so lucky to live around wonderful bike trails. The other night we decided to head out on the bikes. This was Owen's first ride on his bike and not in the trailer. He is amazing. He about eat the pavement once but he did not even miss a beat. He just kept going. The boys are growing up so fast. (you will notice Lizzie opted to stay home and listen to music)
Posted by Amy Barlow at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
Another Year Set to Begin
As I sit here tonight looking for ideas for creative lunches, I am struggling to think my sweet little Hayden is heading to all day school in just two days. Today he had Open House. It was the first time he met his teacher, Mrs. Bailey. She is so super sweet. She is a quiet, sweet, tender teacher. I made her a cute little candy bouquet and as he went to give it to her before the open house, he shook he was so nervous. She almost teared up to think he was that nervous. We are lucky in first grade this year, we are starting the year with 14 students... What a great class size. And several are LDS, so I am excited he will be able to bond with some other LDS boys this year. His buddy Carter is in his class too. So he is happy about that.
It is still hard to believe that we are all growing up so quickly. As my Grandfather reminded me last night, the kids aren't the only ones getting older... Monday will be hard. I don't know that I am ready for Hayden to be away from me for six hours a day. But I think he is ready and that is all that matters.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 8:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Update on the Target Saga
This morning I received a phone call from the Administrative Assistant at the Target District office for Las Vegas. I was told that she "empathizes with my situation" which in retail speak means I don't give a crap. She then told me I needed to send my complaint in writing and gave me the info on who to send it to. (already done.) What a joke. They will "coach" him on his behavior. Again, retail speak, tell him he got a complaint, if that much. I am so sad to think they are not taking me seriously. And I am clueless... I have never complained about someone before, nor did I ever have any one complain about me to any of my DM's. So I don't even really know where to go from here. I am up for suggestions. I will let you all know what response, if any, I get from the letter that I sent.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 11:32 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Everyone knows I love Target. Even more, I love the Silverado Ranch Target... So you have to understand just how upset I am to be writing this. Today, I thought I would finish our back to school supply shopping; with all four kids. No big deal, they are generally good when shopping. We were at Target had most of what was on our list and we were waiting. I STOOD near the Mens section, off to the side with Owen sitting in the front of the cart and Camden standing in the basket. WE WERE STANDING THERE. I actually still had my hand on Camden to get him to not hit Owen when a gentleman (I use the term loosely) by the name of Travis walked up put his hand on Camden's shoulder and address CAMDEN( A two year old): "You need to sit down." he said to Camden, not to me... HELLO parent, adult, over the age of two... Don't you think I should be the one being spoken to. I looked at him directly and said, "If he's not sitting for me, he's not going to sit for you." I then told him when we moved he would sit. That is when he told me that if I wanted to use his cart, he would need to sit right then and if I didn't make him sit now, I could leave. So that is exactly what I did. When I got home, I called the store to get information for the District Manager and guess what they had no idea who it was or how I could get a hold of her. RIGHT!!! I did get the information from a very nice gentleman at the new Henderson store.
I think had he approached me, not my child, I would probably be okay with it. He needs to sit, I understand, it's not safe but don't TOUCH MY CHILD and don't reprimand my child. At Gymboree if I would have tried something like this, Heather would have lost it. Not to mention, at the Meadows the parent would have kicked my tail. In retail there is a way to redirect childrens behavior, we discussed it many times on conference calls and in meetings, this was definitely not a way I was every told to do it. It's just unprofessional to approach a child like that.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 4:56 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 17, 2008
All is Well
I just wanted to thank everyone who has checked in on the kids and me. So, thank you so much for your thoughts and phone calls and visits. I am so lucky and happy to have the friends that I have made.
Owen is feeling much better. He still has a cough that sounds like he is a 80 year old chain smoker. It took him a full week to feel better. He is still run down and wants to sleep alot. But overall he is back to his crazy fun self.
Hayden can finally eat again. It turned out his illness had nothing to do with his trip to the baseball game. He had a tooth infection. I called the doctor a couple of Thursdays ago and said he was starting to have problems with it but they dismissed me like I didn't know what I was talking about and scheduled an appointment a week later. So three days into the week, his jaw swelled, his tooth abscessed and his fever spiked. Huh, mom did know what she was talking about. I will be glad to return to the Gubler Family Dental practice, I really don't care for this dentist. Anyway, I started him on antibiotics that he had left from something (they were still good) last Tuesday afternoon when all was clear to me and he has reacted very well to it. He can again eat. His Church pants were super baggy today.
I will be happy to have his personality back to normal. He still needs to rest.
Camers is doing great !!! He spent time over at "rampa bUUUsses" Grandpa Bruce's house last night (He says it so cute)no accidents and no accidents in nursery today either. I just can't tell you how excited I am that I don't have to buy diapers. Even more, I don't have to change diapers anymore. He thinks he's pretty cool. It helps that the Nursery Leader and workers praised him too. My baby is growing up... YEAH !!
And finally... Lizzie is all set for Middle School. We went on Friday and picked up her schedule, found her locker and classes and all that fun stuff. Wow, Del Webb is a NICE school. She is excited she has a friend in her first period class and her best friend in her PE class. A sweet little girl in our Ward has the locker under Lizzie's. That's right Lizzie scored a top locker.
So as I said, all is well. Lane is working in Phoenix this week. I don't really understand that one, but oh well. He is staying at a hotel with a kitchenette so I made him a weeks worth of meals and froze them so he will eat well this week. Not to mention I will have to do minimal cooking this week. But that is where we are. Life starts getting crazy this week. I head into the school to start getting stuff together to sub. (and get my PTA stuff together too.) Again, thanks to everyone for the prayers and thoughts for the family. They are always appreciated.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 5:23 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
This week's Project
One of my close friends had a very beautiful little girl two weeks ago. Today was her baby shower. I have been planning since last November what I wanted to give her. Jaynee is a very special person. She is a wonderful friend who I love to spend time with. And I actually take the time away from the family to head to dinner or lunch with her. Which is something I rarely (very rarely)do. But I enjoy talking and laughing and having adult conversations with her. She is also Owen's teacher. So sending my precious Owen off to school is easy knowing he is in a class with a teacher that loves him as much as she does.
As you can tell, I wanted to do something very special for her. I am not a very crafty person. I love to do it, but I am not very good. I have NEVER in my life used a sew machine. Anything I have done up to this point has been done by hand. But, I wanted her gift to be special. I decided a few months ago I would make her a hooded bath towel. Then to go along with it, I made a couple of receiving blankets with burp cloths. My burp clothes weren't that cool though, I had to make them square, I couldn't cut the kidney shaped ones. I am pretty proud of myself. My stitching isn't straight and it is definately not perfect, but it is definatly from the heart and made with love.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 10:43 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
On to the Next Stage of Life
As I celebrate the arrival of my good friend Jaynee's sweet little princess, I have begun to ponder how we are beginning a new stage in our family. Lane and I sat with Frank, Jaynee and Khloe for a little while Sunday, it really hit us. They are at the beginning, and we have moved on from the baby stage. Although she is a gorgeous little one, and I love holding her. I am not envious, nor do I feel the yearning for another. Lane and I bought our last box of diapers last month. Owen is in preschool, Hayden is in first grade and Lizzie is beginning Middle School. Life is changing. Normally I am not big on change but these are good changes.
Camden is almost completely potty trained. I know we will have an occasional accident, but he is doing very well. I think he misses his diapers. Every now and then he will ask for one, but then we let him pick out a new pair of underpants to put on instead. He is the cutest little guy, but now he looks even older with out his diaper bulge.
Owen is still in preschool, I am happy to say he is staying at Wolff for the time being. (We'll see how the progress goes.) The big change for Owen is he is learning to ride a bike. He has been riding it throughout the house. This is a great thing considering yesterday he was flat down again with a fever and the horrible cough he has.
My sweet little Hayden is starting first grade. For the past three years, we have had half day school. He is getting a little nervous about starting first grade. He picked out his backpack. A very cool Bumblebee Transformers backpack. And after about 6 stores, I found a lunchbox that matched. This is something I am very weird about. They have to match. He keeps reminding himself that Carter and Kiley are in his class next year and that seems to be calming him. He is also looking forward to the new bigger "park" (playground). I know he has a wonderful teacher who will be great with him, so I know he will be just fine. Not to mention starting on the 10th of Sept, until track break, I am there too. Then off and on. It is my home away from home. Camden thinks he has free reign of the school.
Then we move onto our biggest change... Lizzie goes to middle school. Okay, so not ready for this one. Although she is crazy about the Jonas Brothers and has had a crush on a boy from another Ward in our Stake, she is not a Middle Schooler. I don't want her to be a middle schooler. She is back to being my sweet, innocent beautiful little girl. She had a rough time a few months ago, but realized her personality changed when she started hanging around a couple of girls. She moved on to a great group. She is really looking forward to tennis with Amaya and Tessa. Her best friend Macy and her compliment each other so well. She has a few other really good friends. They are just down to earth GOOD GIRLS. I know she will be fine in middle school. But it did seem weird to watch Lane and her walk out of the huge school.
So life is changing. I am so happy to be home and able to watch it change. Don't get me wrong, I am looking forward to subbing also. The greatest part of that is it is as much as I want. I can still be a mom... I am more organized as a working mom, so I think this will the best of both worlds for me. So as this Barlow Family progresses on to new adventures, I can't help but think of how lucky I am to have such a loving family to set off with.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 2:41 PM 1 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
The Excitement Continues
So our week of excitement has continued. Hayden has a good friend who lives only 5 houses away. They have been spending a lot of time playing outside and at each others houses. Saturday was no expection. They went back and forth, and in between. We are so excited for him to have a good friend so close. He can play and be a normal kid. Well, after playing all day, Hayden went with the Flannery Family to the 51's game. It seemed a little weird for him to be gone. We don't let any of the kids really go anywhere with anyone. But we decided to let him go. He had a blast. But he came home super thirsty. Long story short... About 2 I got a strange feeling and went into his room, he was burning up. He was dehydrated and heat stroked. He responded well to he rehydration and rest. We didn't have to visit the ER again but came really close. So, the week is over, and a new one has begun. We are going to hide I think for a while. We need to regroup and put the craziness behind us. Talk to everyone soon.
PS - Angie - be glad you took Brooke, I found out Owen is contagious for 3-5 days. I would hate for your family to get this too. Talk to you soon !
Posted by Amy Barlow at 8:29 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Another BIG Event
So as the week has progressed, we have had one thing after the other. Lane and I had thought our craziness had ended. At about 2:30 this morning Owen woke up with what I thought was an asthma attack. I am still amazed that such a small sound from down the hall can wake me up as quickly as that. Normally I would just give him a breathing treatment and put him back to sleep without waking Lane, but not this time. I immediately woke Lane. He brought Owen downstairs and we gave him the breathing treatment. It did not work. We gave him another. Lane got dressed It barley worked. He was able to breathe but still not well. So off they went to the Emergency Room. It turns out, Owen has Croup. He was the 4Th child into Sienna last night with it. Before he left another one was brought in by ambulance with it. This was only our second trip to the ER with our children, the first was when Hayden was only a few weeks old, so we are not used to it. What a scare. I am so grateful that he is okay, that it was something they could treat and send him home. I don't think I usually one to take my children's health for granted. I guess I needed reminder of just how lucky we really are.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 7:56 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Well this week has been huge in our family. Hayden has graduated kindergarten. He is officially moving to First Grade, all day school for my little man. He was so cute. He sang his little heart out. You can see him put all that he has into each song that he sang. He even did the "Can Can." I just can't tell you how cute he was. He was so excited. He is ready to go to first grade. I know he will have a wonderful teacher. We thought long and hard about who would be the best fit for him and I think he got her. He will have one of his best buddies, Carter, in his class. I think he will do well. Me on the other hand. I am not handling the changes happening in this house to well.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 5:50 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Fifth Grade Celebration and Sock Hop
Posted by Amy Barlow at 10:40 AM 1 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
This is my Life
I think this picture sums up my life. Friday I was getting the boys ready for school. I got them all bathed and dry. Hayden and Owen got dressed. Camden ran off before I could dress him. I picked up the mess in the bathroom. Quickly may I add. And this is what I came downstairs to.
Camden was stark naked, pizza box on his lap, eating right out of it. Notice the already eaten piece next to him as well as the half eaten pieces back in the box.
Again, you just have to laugh.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Old School Party Time
Hayden’s Safari
Hayden turned 6 on July 19th. Normally we have a huge blow out celebration, this year we went Old School. He is really into jungle animals, so we went on a Safari. We invited a few kids from Church and school to the Barlow Jungle. It was a blast !!! I have to admit I was really, really nervous. But all went well. We made safari hats, went on an obstacle course through the jungle to bring supplies to the lion cub, gave bananas to the monkeys, had a bug toss, and had jungle snacks. Lane and I have never done the decorating thing to this extent before, but I had a blast transforming the house to make my sweet little man happy.
This was base camp. Here you found the live worms, dried ants, snake eggs, croc teeth and beetle wings. To wash it all down there was some snail slime. It is amazing what naming foods something different does to it. The kids ate it up.
The kids putting bugs on their hats.
Owen on the obstacle course. They had such a good time with this. The girls rocked this one. My nephew Jacob won, but the girls all came in pretty close to his time.
The cake. It was supposed to be a crocodile. The legs didn’t work so it turned into a snake. (Not my best work, but the kids enjoyed it, Hayden loved it.)
Posted by Amy Barlow at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Wait, what's that sound?
Something very strange is happening in my house right now. The kids (all 4)are playing a board game. I told them the TV was not to be turned on until after the family room and kitchen were cleaned and it is still not on. Hayden has found my Jack Johnson CD and is in love with the mellow vibe from it. So he turned it on while they were cleaning and immediately the fighting stopped. And now they are playing High School Musical Mystery Date. Laughing and acting how children should. Music to my ears. Both Jack and the kids.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 4:38 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Hayden's Heart is Working
Today was Hayden's Cardiologist appointment. A couple of months ago, he got a really bad virus. We took him into the pediatrician and she heard a murmur. With the history of my family and heart problems I can say I was terrified. So, we went to Dr. Mayman's office. I was expecting this office jam packed with noisy people, snotty office staff, and a long wait. WOW was I WRONG !!! The office only had us in it, the staff was super sweet, and we were in and out in a half hour. He had an ultrasound and EKG and they were normal. He has an innocent murmur which is what we were hoping for. I mean if he has to have a heart murmur why not make it the simplest kind. This murmur only manifests itself when he is sick or run down. Other than that he is a REALLY HEALTHY kid.
Hayden is one of the sweetest children alive. He is the child that can meet you for the first time and with in minutes know your name, birthday and all your favorites. And remember everyone of them even if he doesn't see you for a year. Hayden was extremely nervous about going. I am a parent who believes in telling the child what is going on and what to expect. But he was still terrified. After the EKG, we went into the ultrasound room and the doctor came in. Hayden had big crocodile tears. The dr looked at him and said, "Are you scared? If your scared then I'm scared." He was wonderful. He explained everything to us and answered all of Hayden's questions. Dr. Mayman even took the time to explain to me what was wrong with my cousins little boy Carter. (I had never really understood it.) He was so amazing. So if any one needs a Pediatric Cardiologist, Dr. Mayman is the MAN !!!
Posted by Amy Barlow at 10:12 PM 1 comments
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Owen's Big Day
Today was a big day for Owen, and for Lane and me. Owen gave a talk in Primary today. At the beginning of the year, we asked that Owen not be asked to speak, or give scriptures in Primary. We did not feel he needed to be subjected to any ridicule that might come from it. Let’s face it, even kids at Church can be mean. But my requests were ignored. So the postcard came in the mail a couple of weeks ago with Owen’s name and the talk circled and my heart sank. I talked to Lane and prayed about it and we decided to let him try. Most kids get so nervous they don’t give their own talks anyway, so I figured what the heck, let’s go for it. I searched for something he could do. Our theme this month is Missionary Work. As I looked through “The Friend” there was a cute little activity with the song “I Hope They Call Me on a Mission.” My prayers were answered. It was perfect. We practiced and practiced. And he stood up there like the Champion he is and gave that talk. What a difference has come to him since working with Mrs. Kelly. Our Primary President was so impressed, the progress that has been made in the past few months in remarkable. All I wanted to do was cry I was so over joyed. It was so beautiful to hear. Yes, he had to have me model the words but you could understand what he said. That gives me such hope.
About a year ago, I longed to hear I love you from him. He learned the sign and one night as he went to be he turned around and yelled at Lane and me and flashed the sign that meant so much but I still wanted to hear the words from my sweet little boy. Three months ago I still longed to hear that sweet sentence from him. About a month ago, I was blessed to hear it for the first time. The words “Mom I love you” never sounded so beautiful. (Now he uses it to try to get out of trouble. But I am happy he does.) And now he stood in front of the whole Primary and spoke. Such amazing progress, such exciting new experiences are just waiting for him. All we have to do is work.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 9:22 PM 3 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Not a Single Mother
My hat goes off to all of the women (and men) who are single parents. Lane has been gone for two weeks and I am SSOOO ready for him to be home. I have dealt with all of the ups and downs of the home front. The past two weeks have been an emotional roller coaster ride for our family and we have been apart to deal with it. I know I am the lucky one I get to hear the laughter and the kindness of the kids. Lane is alone in the hotel listening to the quiet and watching what he wants on the television. I know he would rather be home fighting the kids to go bed but at this time I would love to be the one at the Hilton relaxing watching Miss Congeniality on Lifetime. As you can see I have given up the fight for a few minutes of peace at the computer as Camden and Owen wrestle in my bedroom. I have tried everything short of tying them up to get them to stop. (I was told that was against the law, jk) Nights like this make me realize just how lucky I am to have the husband I do. He is not perfect, but I love him and miss him !!! Now back to the bedtime fight... Wish me luck.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 14, 2008
Perception VS Reality
Is what other people perceive of me actually who I am? After reading a new friend’s blog last week I started to think of how I perceive myself and if that is how others see me. Different people see me differently. My friends at school see me as the crazy mom of 4 who wants to be involved with everything, a woman who has an opinion on everything, someone who wants the best for everyone. (Especially my own children) Although most of them never see the frantic worried side of me, this is how I perceive myself also. My reality is I love being a mother and a wife. I love spending time at my children’s school and being involved with everything there. I love running from place to place with my kids. I love being the taxi. I love making dinner and having it on the table when Lane comes home. I love my house being clean even though it may be messy. I am not perfect, nor do I profess to be, but I try hard to make my family the best it can be. I think my friends see this side of me and this is my reality.
Yet I am troubled by the others in my life who really don’t have a clue as to what is happening in my family or in my life. But those people are the there in the front row passing judgment on me and about me. As I write this I now understand these people are not my friends and they truly don’t know me. As my new friend put it they are the “toxic people” in my life. I continue to worry what these people think of me and my children. I am consumed by the judgments they are passing on my family and myself when they do not know why decisions are being made as they are. They are the people who so quickly question why I may do something but don’t know the circumstance surrounding the decision nor do they care enough about me to what to understand either.
So why do I allow them to alter my reality? How do you become strong enough to just walk away from them? Do you tell them or just drift away? These are the questions I have been pondering.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 1:22 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
New CCSD Employee
It is official. I have been approved by CCSD and am a substitute. I have heard the horror stories of the process from friends that are subs but I can now testify how ridiculous it really was. When all was said and done I think I had seven different references sent to them. According to the last person I spoke with who was so wonderful, I had more than ample and "good" references to complete my file. I am so excited. I will start the next school year filling in for a good friend of mine while she bonds with her new bundle of joy. YEAH !!
Posted by Amy Barlow at 12:22 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 7, 2008
Not much happening
We have had a pretty boring few days. I think I kind of "checked out" last week. We ALL needed a break from the hectic go here, go there of our lives, so we took it. We did have a great time at the First Annual Barlow Family Olympics. Even though we were late. We were trying to get Lane ready for his trip. He is once again on the road for work. And so far no I have not run over any birds. (or anything else for that matter.) Fourth of July was a blast. The kids had a wonderful time swimming and hanging out with cousins. And of course had a wonderful time setting off the fireworks with Uncle Brandon. If you want to see pictures check out Sarah's Blog... There are a couple of cute pictures of the kids. And a couple not so cute pictures of me. (This is why I don't do swimsuits at this point.)
Saturday we took Lane to the airport bright and early. Then we just hung out. I cleaned... Which is what I will be doing again in a few minutes. Yesterday I actually braved Church with all four children by myself. I am very Happy to say we made it to ALL of it. I feel the need to apologize to the Berrett Family who we sat in front of. Camden had to narrate everything he did all through Sacrament. I am sorry to say I still find him funny. I was shocked actually at how well behaved the kids were. Last night we just vegged out and watch the new Hannah Montana and Wizards of Waverly Place. It was wonderful to have a nice quiet evening just us. Well that is what we have done for the past week. We start once again with the crazy life tomorrow. So I am sure something exciting will happen to tell you all. Until then, Take Care.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 2:18 PM 1 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
Camden and Food
Camden loves to eat. He is a big boy, he eats a lot. He came to the right family because I love to cook and he will eat anything I make. Recently while grocery shopping, I decided to buy bologna. This is an interesting thing considering I am hooked on watching the BBC America show "You Are What You Eat." I must have watched a "Rugrats" cartoon sometime before this trip to the store because I kept thinking of fried bologna sandwiches. I don't think I have had one in fifteen years. Maybe longer. Anyways, I bought this bologna and that is what Owen, Camden and I had for lunch. I good ol' fried bologna sandwich with processed cheese. (crusts cut off too.) They loved them. So now we eat sandwiches alot for lunch. (Not only bologna.)
Camden's love for food does not stop there. While Lane was on his last trip, I ordered my typical Chinese take out. I order a meal and eat it for a few days while the kids load up on mac and cheese and pizza. This trip I ordered Mu Shu Chicken. (love it, Thank you Hannah Montana) I made my plate and sat down, and Camden got into the fridge, got the take out container, a fork and joined me for Chinese. It was one of the funniest things I had seen. There he sat with the Chinese take out container, eating directly out of it. He will eat what ever you are eating.
The question that came to me tonight was, Why is what is on my plate (or Lanes) better than what is on his? I made Mu Shu Chicken for dinner tonight, made him a plate, made myself the exact same plate, we sat down and he ate part of his with his mouth wide open came up saying "BITE, BITE" He ate mine and Lane's and left about 1/4 of his own. I just don't get it. But I love it.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 10:20 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
The most horrible woman I have ever met.
Today I met with the most callous, insensitive, careless woman. I am hoping most of what we call “supervisors” within the school district are not so out of touch with students and parents as Ms. Barton is. She is the Speech Language Coordinator for the Southeast Region of the school district. Big title, I know. She thinks so too. Unfortunately, she is someone who will be deciding what is best for my son.
We met today to discuss placement for Owen next year. He is not developmentally delayed. WE ALL KNOW THIS. The boy is smart, quick witted, strong willed but he can’t talk. After 45 minutes of speech therapy we rushed to the school to meet this woman to discuss our game plan. She was LATE!! How do you get lost going to a school you supervise? Doesn’t make much sense to me. But that is not the point. She was supposed to observe him in his classroom, with his teacher, within his comfort zone. That so did not happen. We were taken into the small speech office with a student speech therapist (his real one is on vacation) another total stranger and was supposed to perform for them. Owen performs for NO ONE! She barely looked over his file, did not ask about his diagnosis or any of his tests he has been through and proceeded to give me my option(s) for him. He can go to the all phonology program at Walker Elementary. I cannot go and observe the class she continued, because that is “Program Shopping.” Yeah’ that is what I am doing. I am shopping for somewhere to ship my child out of our comfort zone and away from me, just for the heck of it. I want this trial in life for him. (She has no clue) I can go and meet the teacher after Owen is enrolled in the new program. I DON’T THINK SO!!!! She then told me that if I didn’t like that my other option was to exit him from the program but continue speech therapy at the school for the ninety minutes a week. (It’s sounding better and better.) I knew what my options were going into the meeting but her telling me I cannot contact Walker or observe the other class is absolutely absurd. It is a public school, I am a tax payer. I can take a tour at anytime. Needless to say I was livid. As we exited the office, she then let me know I might want to think about putting all of Owen’s paper work in a three ring binder… I have all of his paperwork in a manila envelope that can be filed and found very easily. I simply smiled and told her “You can’t file a three ring binder.” WHAT SNOT!!
After I calmed down I asked our Assistant Principal what my options for viewing the school was. She was appalled. She let me know that I need to just call the school and ask when a good time to come out and look around is. If they say I cannot come and see the school I am to tell her and she will handle the situation. She also let me know that before any IEPs are done I need to meet the teacher because if Owen is not compatible it is pointless to send him. (Pretty funny, even she knows what a strong personality he has.)
So this is what I am up against. An out of touch woman who thinks she has power. I have a feeling things are going to get REALLY UGLY!!! And we wonder what is wrong with our schools. District Supervisors who don’t have a clue on what the best thing for a student is.
By the way if any one knows her, send her the link to my blog.
Posted by Amy Barlow at 10:31 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Crazy Days Makes One Crazy Mom
All year I have not minded that my children are on different tracks. I, trying to be an optimist, thought it was great to have Owen on a different track so I can spend a little one on one time with him during his track break and the same for Hayden. Owen went back to school on Tuesday. Hayden and Lizzie "tracked out" last Friday. I thought all weekend how nice it would be to just have to take Owen to school and not worry about car pooling, honor choir and all of the PTA responsibitlies. This week has been soo crazy that I would gladly go back to my three to four trips a day to school. I have gotten a taste of what life with four children is really going to be this week. Already this week we have had two dentist appointments at two different offices for two different children, tennis in 110 degrees, speech therapy, DARE graduation (part two), PTA board meeting, party planning brainstorming meeting, a birthday party, Girls Achievement, Owen's school and trying to potty train Camden. Not to mention unexpected visitors staying, hosting a dinner party we didn't plan on and grocery shopping and preparing for Lane leaving for two and a half weeks. IT IS ONLY WEDNESDAY !!!! The rest of the week doesn't look any better. I think my family will finally have a night together on Friday. So if you see me and I don't say hello this week, don't take it personally. I probably am thinking of my next task...
Posted by Amy Barlow at 9:55 PM 1 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
"Camp Rock" Rocked !!!
Posted by Amy Barlow at 11:27 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
By Popular Demand
Daddy and Hayden at the Father's Day Round Up - Mrs. Aguero's Kindergaten Class.(she's amazing too.)
Posted by Amy Barlow at 9:47 PM 2 comments